Hello! My name is Christina Cesar and I’m an artist operating out of my exceptionally small spare bedroom, kitchen, or sometimes corner of the living room after rolling back the rug and pretending I’ll definitely be able to clean that paint off the wood floor one day. You may be wondering who Space McDamon is to me if my name is Christina, and you would not be alone. I don’t have much of an explanation for it other than - who is Ziggy Stardust to David Bowie? Sasha Fierce to Beyonce? Superman to Clark Kent? Or Heisenberg to Walter White (maybe this one is too far)? Operating under the guise of Space McDamon gives me the nudge to break away from the normalcy of my day-to-day and put myself out there in the world in ways that Christina would normally shy away from.
So, despite my inner hesitations and self-doubt, here I am sharing with you the things that have brought me so much happiness and inner peace to create. Thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoy. But if not, Space McDamon made me do it.